For Fixers
Find musos with the skills and experience that you need for a gig, in the areas where you need them.
For Performers
Find work in the areas that suit you, cut your travel time and make new contacts.
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Why Map a Muso
The joy of local gigs
Local gigs make for happy, committed performers. That gig on the other side of the country? Someone out there would love to do it, as it's right up their street.
Extending your network
Map a Muso extends your network of high quality performers and gives everyone more choices, whether it's for a last minute emergency or a gig in an out-of-the-way place.
Cut costs and wasted time
Generate more work in the places that suit you. Cut your travel costs, hassle and time, and gain a better work-life balance. More time doing what you love and less time on the road.
A more sustainable industry
Plotting musos on the map means we can all work more sustainably, with less fuel wasted. Working together, we can create a greener music industry for all our futures.
The joy of local gigs
Local gigs make for happy, committed performers. That gig on the other side of the country? Someone out there would love to do it, as it's right up their street.
Extending your network
Map a Muso extends your network of high quality performers and gives everyone more choices, whether it's for a last minute emergency or a gig in an out-of-the-way place.
Cut costs and wasted time
Generate more work in the places that suit you. Cut your travel costs, hassle and time, and gain a better work-life balance. More time doing what you love and less time on the road.
A more sustainable industry
Plotting musos on the map means we can all work more sustainably, with less fuel wasted. Working together, we can create a greener music industry for all our futures.
About Us

Susie is a cellist, arranger and composer. She’s had 25 years experience as a freelancer, from concerts to function gigs, from pop to baroque.

Tamás is a software engineer with 30 years of experience gathered in a wide variety of projects from corporate to startups, from large to small.